Tell Me About God
Finding God, Not Religion
We want to get to know You God, as a person. Who are you, where are you, and what do you want from us?
Finding Freedom
Father, please give us freedom from the past, from depression, and from our addictions.
Finding Hope and Purpose
Yahweh, lead us in life so that we can find and fulfill our purpose, and walk out our days in peace and happiness.
Tell Me About God (tmaG) – the place to learn the truth about God.
We are in love with the person, the personality, the very nature of God and we love to watch Him work. More so, we love to work with Him. We also love to tell others about God for these simple reasons: We know God is real, His word is true, and He is waiting to bless you with His presence.
God is real, not an idea. He is as real as the cup of coffee in your hand. Tangible is the word that comes to mind. Alive is an even better word.
God is love, and not in the sense familiar to us. He is Agape which means He loves us no matter what we do, and deeply, too deeply for us to understand. If He is Love, then Love must be the source of His power. If we are neither feeling His love nor experiencing His power, it is because we have walled Him out.
God forgives. He forgives us for every offense, no matter the size and no matter the outcome. He forgives.
God is not distant. He is as near as our next breath because He breathed life into us. He created the world and everything in it; He longs to teach us how to care for it, live in it and enjoy it.
God has no beginning and no end. He has always been and always will be; a concept we cannot quite wrap our minds around.
God is big. His vast and infinite wisdom and power is beyond the imagination of even the most devout believers. Oh…to have just a drop of his knowledge!
God accepts everyone. There are absolutely no exceptions. If you can believe He sent His son to die and take away the unacceptable, and simply take His hand, you can live an acceptable life in His eyes.
God is not angry. He does not take, He gives. He does not cause bad things to happen. He allows us to make our own mistakes and sometimes suffer the consequences.
God is here. He embraces. He speaks. Often, He speaks through others. More often, through the Bible. Even more often, to each one of us as a personal friend and counselor.
God is available for you to experience for yourself. (All you do is ask.) There are plenty of books and websites and articles about Him, and there are plenty of preachers and teachers, but in order to understand, you need more than any human being can tell you about God. You need a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ.

Wait Upon the Lord
Israel and Judah had been conquered. God's own people were in exile, all but a remnant, a chosen few who remained in the land. Their...

Daily Devotion: The Ordinary
Father, that you choose us, the ordinary, not based on status or education or wealth, is profound to me. I am thankful for our scholars...

A Cup of Mercy Please
When you seek, you will find. When you knock, the door will be opened unto you. Ask, and you will receive. When Jesus made those promises,...